a little bit of humor

a little bit of humor

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Grounded Experience

Well, yesterday started as a normal day. The very first thing I saw, much to my dismay, was the red glare of my alarm clock, which, by the way, makes me levitate every time it goes off. After three years of the same blood curdling sound one would think I would be accustomed to it, but the sound this alarm clock makes is at best unnatural. After hitting the snooze button and dreading the end of the nine minutes, I realized I had to pee and was very disappointed. My day always begins with alarm, snooze, alarm and the disruption of this process due to bodily functions is simply not acceptable. After peeling myself out of my brown snowflake flannel sheets I clumsily felt my way to the light switch and recieved my second shock of the day. I hate turning on lights in the morning. Not only does it jolt my senses, but it brings to life the harsh realization that my sleeping time is no more. Since I dearly love to sleep, my mornings consist of a series of arguments with myself, constantly convincing myself that I need to wake up and get my lazy ass out of bed. I jumped, no lurched, into the shower and I was instantly at peace. As much as I love sleeping, I love showering even more. Turning the water to just below the point of being unbearable, I revel in the heat and steam of a fifteen minute shower. The first thing I heard after exiting the bathroom was the ominous sound of sirens. One thing I definitely miss about living in the middle of nowhere is the lack of traffic noises. All this occurred, by the way, while singing "Joy" by Against Me to myself, a pleasantly cheerful song. Usually I wake up with the reverberations of some terrible song ringing in my head, so this was a welcome change. I then proceeded to turn on my CD player and listened to quite the array of music. The mix CD, entitled Happy Graduation, Love Sally, had music by artists ranging from Incubus, Tool and some stupid baller rap song to music by Nirvana and Dido. Being exhausted, a fault of my own I assure you, I made a futile attempt at putting on makeup and doing my hair and eventually resigned myself to the bare minimum. Since I have to go now, I will quit and label this blog as my Groundhog's Day morning. I assure you, there is more exciting news about my day to come.

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